Carton packaging classification standard and non-standard carton classification

June 1, 201813:28:54Carton packaging classification standard and non-standard carton classificationClosed comments 1,915 1683字Read for 5 minutes and 36 seconds

Carton packaging classification standard

According to the paper, there are corrugated cartons, single-layer cardboard boxes and so on。Carton commonly used three layers, five layers, seven layers are less used, each layer is divided into paper, corrugated paper, core paper, face paper, tea board paper, kraft paper, core paper with corrugated paper, all kinds of paper color and feel are different, different manufacturers of paper (color, feel) is not the same。Different corrugated shapes, bonded into the function of corrugated cardboard is also different。Even if the same quality of face paper and inner paper are used, due to the difference in the shape of the corrugated board, the performance of the corrugated board is also different。Their technical indicators and requirements are shown in Table I。The corrugated board made of A-type corrugated has better cushioning and certain elasticity, and C-type corrugated is inferior to A-type corrugated。But the stiffness and impact resistance are better than A-type corrugated;B type corrugated arrangement density, made of corrugated board surface flat, high pressure, suitable for printing;The E type is thin and dense, and it shows its rigid strength。

When producing and manufacturing corrugated boxes, they are generally differentiated according to the box type of the carton。

The box structure of corrugated boxes is generally adopted internationally by the European Federation of Corrugated Box Manufacturers (FEFCO) and the Swiss Board Association (ASSCO) jointly formulated international carton box standards。This standard is approved by the International Corrugated Board Association for international use。According to international carton type standards, carton structure can be divided into two categories: basic type and combined type。

The basic type is the basic box type, and there are legends in the standard, generally represented by four digits, the first two indicate the type of box, and the last two indicate the different carton styles in the same type of box。For example, 02 indicates a slotted carton.03 indicates a nested carton。The combined type is the combination of the basic type, that is, it is composed of more than two basic box types, which are represented by multiple groups of four digits or code names。For example, a carton can use type 0204 for its upper flap and type 0215 for its lower flap。
With the popularity of fine goods, there are more and more cardboard boxes for whiteboard paper, and this industry is more and more closely printed, and at the same time, it also promotes the development of computer graphic design。

China's national standard GB/T6543-2008 reference International box type standard series specifies the basic box type of single and double corrugated boxes for transport packaging。不过,In the late 1980s,With the change of circulation channels and market sales forms,A number of non-standard corrugated boxes with novel structures have emerged,并且,With each new structure is born,Almost all of them have a corresponding fully automatic packaging system or packaging equipment,Greatly enriched the carton application market。

New non-standard carton classification

The international standard carton has formed a complete system and regulations, and the production enterprise only needs to select and process according to the standard。The emergence of various novel non-standard cartons has nurtured a revolution in the corrugated carton industry。The new non-standard cartons mainly include roll-type cartons, separate cartons, triangular column cartons and large cartons。

Roll carton
The rolled corrugated boxes are somewhat similar to the 0210 boxes,The difference is that the 0210 boxes are parallel to the width of the blank cardboard,The corrugated box is parallel to the length of the cardboard;The 0210 box connector is connected to the main box face,The roll-type carton is connected to the side box surface;The indentation line of 0210 box inside and outside rocker lid is in a straight line,The roll-type box is different。

In use, it is not like the 0210 carton, in the carton factory to complete the entire process of making boxes, to the user factory and then fill the contents into the box, but only the die-cut carton blank to the packaging user, by the user to use the automatic packaging machine to put the contents and then wrap it into a box。Compared with standard boxes, roll-type cartons are characterized by less material, and the cartons are tightly attached to the contents, which can achieve high-speed automation。

Separate carton
Separate cartons can be split in two or more during the circulation process, mainly solving the contradiction between mass production and small batch sales。The separate carton can be combined with various accessories on the basis of the traditional standard box type, and a new molding method can also be used。

The new type of separate carton generally adopts the combination of H-type middle partition board and roll carton。There are two types of N-type and F-type wrapping cartons。Among them, the F-type is more popular, mainly used in plastic bottles of shampoo and conditioner, and the outer packaging of glass bottles of condiments。
F-type carton can decompose the original 20 bottle boxes into two 10 bottle boxes, the compressive strength of the packaging is also improved, the cost of packaging materials is reduced, and it has a good promotion function。

Triangular post box
Triangular column type corrugated box is the box and corner lining a page molding, the four corners of the corrugated box form a triangular column or straight corner column structure, so that the compressive strength increased by 20%-50%。
The triangular column carton has two types of pallet and sealed type, and there are a variety of box types to choose from。Compared with the general corrugated box,Triangular post corrugated box in standard condition,Compressive strength can be increased by 20%-30%,Increased by 40%-60% under high humidity condition;The box does not bulge,It is especially obvious in wet conditions;Structurally,The corners are more solid,So drop impact and vibration,The breakage rate of contents is very low;When applying load,Carton deformation stability,Not easy to cause stack collapse;Pallet-type triangular column corrugated boxes have good sales display。

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